Media Contact

If you are a member of the media and would like information about The Lord’s Place, or would like to arrange an interview with a member of The Lord’s Place staff, or with one of our clients, please contact:

Cara Scarola Hansen


We can provide information, story angles, interview opportunities, and video/photo opportunities related to The Lord’s Place’s many programs and events including, but not limited to:

  • Street outreach and engagement initiatives to help those who are most vulnerable and homeless.
  • Advocacy initiatives, including the need for more affordable housing in Palm Beach County.
  • Women's services and how The Lord's Place is a pioneer in providing women's housing for those who find themselves homeless.
  • Transition from Jail to Community Program, helping ex-offenders successfully re-establish themselves in the community.
  • Job Training and Placement Program - helping our clients gain meaningful employment despite the many challenges they have faced, including the difficult job market in correlation to limited affordable housing.
  • Joshua Catering apprentice programs for clients in the culinary arts, as well as other apprentice programs.
  • Children and youth services and how the agency helps to break the cycle of intergenerational homelessness.